4 days, 40 chapters, FREE Shaykh Baber Pervez will take students through an intensive 4-day revision course aiming to cover 40 chapters of the indispensable grammar text book, “A New Arabic Grammar”, by Haywood and Nahmed. The course has a very limited number of places. Date: 26-29 December 2019 Time: 10am – 9pm* (with breaks for lunch and prayers) Cost: FREE This course is for: – students who have thoroughly studied Arabic grammar and wish to consolidate what they’ve learnt – students who have studied some Arabic grammar and wish to advance their knowledge at an accelerated pace – audacious students who have studied little Arabic grammar wishing to catapult to an advanced level To apply please fill in the following form: *Course TimeIntensive Grammar Course *TitleBrotherSister I am committed to attending all 4 days -None-Application SubmittedApplication AcceptedTest PassedInterview PassedStudent AcceptedStudent Enrolled (Paid) Junior Arabist employs a strict privacy policy