15 hours of

Recorded Online Lessons and Quizzes

from Surah Yusuf

Shaykh Baber Pervez will take students on a wonderful journey through the beauty of Surah Yusuf, drawing upon the spiritual significance of the story as well as highlighting linguistic gems that will aim to increase each student’s connection with Allah Most-High and His Sublime Words

Students will take away a series of messages including:

Importance of good intention

Love for parents

Controlling one’s anger

Being wary of Satan’s tricks

Having patience during difficulties

Knowing that Allah has a divine plan

Cost: £30 (equiv. £2/hr) – per household, no charge for siblings

Who are these lessons for?

Students aged 10 years and above

No background in Arabic required

About the teacher

Shaykh Baber Pervez has over 10 years of experience teaching Arabic and has taught hundreds of students from all ages and abilities. He is the former Director of the Arabic Gap Year Programme, teaching a 3 year Arabic degree in just 1 year; and is also the Founder of JuniorArabist, an online Arabic education programme for 11-16 year old children. He has a passion for combining the Arabic language with spirituality and regularly teaches the Islamic Sciences using traditional Arabic texts.

Shaykh Baber’s amicable personality and holistic approach to teaching ensure that students not only enjoy learning in a friendly and comfortable environment but they realise and focus their efforts on the ultimate goal in life: to attain closeness to Allah ﷻ

To access the recordings please fill in the following form:

A single registration form will suffice for all siblings

Parent/Carer Information

Student Information

Junior Arabist employs a strict privacy policy

After submitting your application you will be directed to the payment page where you can securely pay using a PayPal account or a Debit/Credit Card


1. Until when do we have access to the recordings?

Recordings will be accessible until 7th September 2020

2. Do I have to pay for each child?

No. One registration fee will allow all your children to access the recordings

3. Is any preparation required?

No. Students simply need to have their notebooks and pens ready

4. Will the students cover the whole of Surah Yusuf?

No. Shaykh Baber will delve deep into the verses to help students benefit most from each verse and truly appreciate the message in each part of the story

5. How do we pay?

Once a registration form is submitted you will be directed to a PayPal payment page where you can securely pay using a PayPal account or a Debit/Credit Card